Some Irish Session Video Clips


I had a few folks express an interest in seeing some of the Irish Sessions that I play in.  

Since I'm busy playing most of the time, it's kind of hard for me to actually record myself…yunno?

Usually, I am playing the last Sunday of the month at Brennan's Irish Pub located in Southside Birmingham, Alabama.  

Nothing too formal, but a lot of us have been playing together for about 20 years now.  We come from all walks of life and careers.  Everything from attorneys to architects to teachers to IT nerds like me.

We all share a passion for Celtic music and play predominately Traditional Irish tunes.  

Many times, people will locate us through several of the online session finding websites where we are listed with others.  As they pass through town, if it's a session night, they stop in an play along with us.

View it on Facebook Here:

St Patrick's Day is fun.  While there are a FEW Guinness' involved throughout the day (okay…and Irish few) it's a time to celebrate and at times get paid to play too.

I have found that if I don't keep hobbies and passions in play, that the every day grind will wear me down and I get lost in it.  It's a great outlet with friends and family to come together and decompress.

In any case, hope you enjoy the videos.  There are probably others floating around, but these couple I was able to find quickly.  The first is at the prior location for the Pub before moving to the current one.  The second one is at the coffee shop owned by the same person while the new pub was being built.  He was nice enough to host us there until our new home was built 🙂



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