You Should Never Have To Worry About Content Again If You Use This Method


So one of things I used to get bogged down with early on in my marketing career, was how in the world I would come up with all the content to post on different channels.

I mean, there's social media, email marketing, blogging…the list goes on.  How would I ever find enough “stuff” to talk about?

Well actually, the answer was quite simple and staring me right in the face.  

Just use what you've got!

I learned that if I took the time to craft one well-written piece of email copy, that I could use that exact same content to create a video, a blog post, a social media post a PDF file, an MP3 audio recording and more.  All from one piece of content!

Problem Solved!

So to prove my point, I created this blog post from the email that I sent out to my lists today.  I've also embedded a content video at the top of this post that was created using Content Samurai from this same text.

NOTE:  Content Samurai is no longer available and I now recommend InVideo as it's replacement.  You can learn more on the tool using this affiliate link:

But wait…there's more…I also used the Designrr tool and created a PDF file from this blog post.

And lastly, you will find a link to the MP3 audio version of this same piece of content.

Play MP3 Audio Below

You should never have to worry about content again

Oh…and let's not forget the Social Media posts too…

My time is very valuable to me and I like to find ways to streamline what I do and still be effective in it.

I hope you are able to use this information to your advantage and not work so hard at content creation.

Until later



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